Bus two-dimensional code payment nationwide

2017-07-28 SUWINN read(5475)

WeChat and Alipay will pay a two-dimensional code, now the central bank officials admit that the payment of the two-dimensional code UnionPay is also poised to launch position, the payment of the two-dimensional code, two-dimensional code has a fiery hair get out of hand, in addition to the field of payment, the current concern is paid in the field of traffic.


 "Code" era, gradually become the payment of the two-dimensional code not part of the loss, we live in WeChat, Alipay and other three party payment platform is the most familiar mobile payment, WeChat wallet, Alipay balance, UnionPay flash pay and cloud type payment function slowly into the bus the field, breaking the previous traditional travel credit card payment, and in the development strategy of the country continue to build a city group, is bound to speed up the pace of the wisdom of the city, the State Department of transportation issued a draft of "technical specifications" card two-dimensional code to pay the bus, so it not only in the country to accelerate the bus toll and the pace of the two-dimensional quality code payment in the field of technology and equipment for continuous improvement in the standard of.


Manufacturers cardlan production of two-dimensional code in a handful of domestic in Shenzhen speed cloud IOT Technology Co., through technical research, will be for a long time, the payment of the two-dimensional code has been considered not suitable for use in high speed and frequency of trading scene (traffic payment). With the development of technology innovation, two-dimensional code products, people scan code payment habits, the payment of the two-dimensional code into the field of public transportation bus vehicle which speed cloud two-dimensional code card machine is to experience a sense of the bus card machine is the best.










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